Same teams, new banner

Over the past few years we’ve featured Stagg Bowl photos in the banner at the top of the site. The logo remains the same but we have new images each year.

Just a note to let you know that the 2007 banner is up. You may have to hit refresh on the page to see it. Otherwise it will break through your cache in a week or so — we have files cached to make the site load faster.

From left to right: Pierre Garcon leaping into the end zone for a touchdown (by RC Workman); coaches Bob Berezowitz and Larry Kehres talking to Whitewater players (by Ryan Coleman); and Justin Jacobs handing off to Justin Beaver (by Ryan Tipps).

Congrats again to Mount Union and UW-Whitewater. To the victors go the spoils. Nearly as prestigious as the trophies they took home, no doubt. 🙂

9 thoughts on “Same teams, new banner

  1. Excellent banner will remind me of some great memories whenever I get on the website. The last two years we had a great time in Salem and we lost each time to a great team. I will miss partying at the Mariott in Roanoke but will be there as just a fan if it happens again……Go WARHWKS!!!…..

  2. I think this site should include a photo page from fans that send in their own pics from either their own Stagg Bowl appearances or their respective seasons. You could have one devoted to fans and pregame “rituals or activities” and one devoted to the teams or actual game play….I’d imagine the response would be overwhelming!

  3. I’d just like to point out that, even taken in toungue-in-cheek context with which it was likely offered, the “to the victor(s) go the spoils” statement seems to be in marked contrast to what this site and the ethos of DIII athletics have always represented, IMO. I’ll spare you the long and dramatic soap box commentary.

    Purely as a biased party (in the interest of full disclosure for any neophytes out there, I do take photos for the site), I’d kinda like to see some fresh images every now and again up in the banner section. Maybe a new banner every month or two or a selection of four-five banners that rotate every few minutes throughout the year–as a way of showcasing both the other 230+ teams in DIII, as well as the folks that contribute to the site.

    Finally (and again, an opinion, but this one based on some actual research in the Photo Galleries) I don’t think these images represent the best stuff you have to offer DIII fans–from the season or even from the past Stagg Bowl.

    I guess if you add all that up it’s probably worth about what you’ve paid for it. This and a dollar will get you a cup of coffee somewhere–but I felt compelled to respond.

  4. Well, Josh, sure. I’ll get right on that one, along with the rest of my job!

    I’d love to do that, but I do want to point out that selecting the photos for the banner, the time involved in creating the layout, I (personally) see us keeping it at once a year. With the big project we’re all trying to complete and launch the banner was set aside and I forgot about it. But here it is. In living color!

    ATO, That’s something we’ve been working on. the Phlog, which will come out of the summer a fully functioning piece of… software, yes… visitors can upload their photos onto that page. Look for it in time for the Kickoff 2007!

  5. Again, I believe the response will be overwhelming when you allow fans of D-3 football to upload game photos, pregame photos, etc. I am glad to hear its in the works, and ill be very anxious to visit, see some photos from some teams/schools who maybe arent as familiar to some of us….Not only that, I look forward to uploading my own photos to share with fans of this site! Any idea as to when this feature will be available?

  6. Ignore my last question. I see it says it will be available before kickoff of the 2007 season……..A slight oversight on my part!

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