Weekly Phlogging, Week 6

We’re back! Well, not completely. I have some photos and will point you elsewhere for more.

Last week we debuted two new photographers, David Rich (at Mount Union/Ohio Northern) and Jonathan Larsen (Catholic/Washington & Lee), had covered two blow-out MIAC games (St. John’s/St. Olaf and Concordia-Moorhead/Hamline) Ashlee Carmody covered a double-header in Wisconsin, starting off in Appleton for St. Norbert/Monmouth and catching up with Larry Radloff for the Lawrence/Lake Forest nightcap. And we were deep in the heart of Texas for the Mary Hardin-Baylor/Hardin-Simmons which Josh Bowerman was in attendance for.

It was a busy weekend. I was up until 6am Sunday morning getting caught up on all the work from the five photographers plus the photos from Dave Sanders and myself at the St. John’s/St. Olaf game.

Before I show the photos, I have a request to make of the fans at the games: If you are on the sidelines, please move out of our way. We’re there to cover a game and we have permission to be on the sidelines. It’s all about safety and enjoying the game.

Thank you. Now on to the fun!

Mary Hardin-Baylor vs Hardin-Simmons, Josh Bowerman

Shot by Josh Bowerman, D3football.comShot by Josh Bowerman, D3football.comShot by Josh Bowerman, D3football.comShot by Josh Bowerman, D3football.comShot by Josh Bowerman, D3football.com

Hamline vs Concordia-Moorhead, Scott Pierson

Shot by Scott Pierson, D3football.com
Shot by Scott Pierson, D3football.com
Shot by Scott Pierson, D3football.com

Lawrence vs Lake Forest, Larry Radloff

Shot by Larry Radloff, D3football.com
Shot by Larry Radloff, D3football.com

St. Norbert vs Monmouth, Ashlee Carmody

Shot by Ashlee Carmody, D3football.com
Shot by Ashlee Carmody, D3football.com

This week: Dave Sanders, Larry Radloff and I will be joining Keith McMillan in Whitewater for the UWW/UW-La Crosse game Saturday afternoon. Dave, Larry and I will be sandwiching the football game with Division I men’s hockey in Madison (we might have a few photos from that for you, too).

Next week I will be on the road with Keith in central Iowa; Also look for our new phlog page next weekend with working photo submissions and comments.

I’ve received many emails over the past year, a few asking the same thing: What do you make per game? or I want to shoot for D3sports, how much do you pay per game? I’d hate to disappoint those of you pondering the same thing but we are actually not paid for our time. It’s the love of the sport and the atmosphere that bring us out to the games. However, I am sure you have seen the photo galleries with prices underneath the photos. For each photo sold from a game the photographer recieves a commission. In addition each sale helps keep D3football, D3hoops and D3sports operational.

Phlogging, Week 5

We’re unable to provide a weekly phlogging due to circumstances outside of our control with our photo host, Pictureprints.net. Their IT department is working diligently on correcting the issue and we may be able to post our Phlog just prior to this weekend’s games.

Please post links to your own favorite photos from the week. For entry guidelines, please check last week’s phlog Weekly Phlogging.

Thank you!