Colorado College: Process was backwards

This letter was sent to the Colorado College administrators named below and later posted to the Save CC football mailing list:

Richard Celeste, President
Ken Ralph, Director of Athletics
Susan Ashley, Head of Faculty
Colorado College

Dear Mr. Celeste, Mr. Ralph, and Ms. Ashley,

My name is Ray Urban and I am the father of Luke Urban, CC class of
2012 and starting linebacker this past season for the CC Tigers. I am
writing this letter not to argue whether or not football should be in
CC’s future but to outline a road map that is more in the spirit of
what CC is (or should be) about.


Let’s face it, canceling an 0-9 program is much easier than canceling
a 9-0 program. To the casual observer and general public, the team was
uncompetitive. Even with living in Boston I managed to attend three
games and watched video feeds of all of the rest. This is a team that
with a few breaks, a few less injuries, and offensive play calling
that better matched the players skills could easily have been 4-5.
From the DePauw overtime loss to the final game against Centre College
we saw a team that deserved to be on the field.


Yes, the fiscal crisis demanded attention and football is a relatively
expensive sport. What should have happened is an open, transparent,
frank discussion amongst all stake holders including the players,
alumni, and the larger CC community as to the best course of action.
What actually took place was the exact opposite; closed, opaque,


The proposed three year time frame is right; it just needs to be
implemented 180 degrees from the way proposed. Commit to playing for
three more seasons while the future of the program is discussed and a
plan is implemented to either continue or end the 124 year tradition.
That allows CC to honor the commitments made to the football players
in the classes of 2010, 2011, and 2012 and builds on the strong
athletic and football core represented by those players. Discontinuing
the program for three years guarantees its death.


The talk of requiring the football program to raise a sufficiently
large endowment to would allow CC to not support it at all is patently
unfair. Surely the 124 year old program should receive at least the
level of financial support from CC that the average CC Division Three
sport at CC receives.

Football is indeed old fashioned. It rewards teamwork more than
individual excellence. It is complicated, rewarding studiousness. It
demands practice. It is never easy. Colorado College owes to the
history of the program, the players, and the integrity of the College
to make this important decision the right way.

Sincerely yours,

Ray Urban

2 thoughts on “Colorado College: Process was backwards

  1. Don’t waste your time on Dick Celeste. This could have been called “Revenge of the Nerd.” Little Dicky finally got even.

  2. looks like “C C ” wants the good times all the time ie:Dicky and friends…not nice…I look back at Huntingdon in 2003 they were 0-7 as IND in 2006 they stepped up and played Ithaca..they played well..ended their year 6-4 then in 2008 had 8-2 with 6-1 SLIAC..Ive cheered for them since 2006 I like their style and I bet they’re not a wealthy school either..” C C ” should take another look

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