Let’s be safe out there

I’ve gotten another reason to be happy that we’re no longer living in Northern Virginia, as it seems Hanna is bearing down on that part of the country. Christopher Newport and Wesley have already canceled their game (CNU is closing up shop for the weekend) and Worcester Tech and Mass-Dartmouth have moved their game up a day to Friday night.

Anyone else changing their schedule? Let us know, while we will keep looking ourselves.

Meanwhile, be sure to buy all the bread and milk you can carry and batten down the hatches.

5 thoughts on “Let’s be safe out there

  1. While certainly understandable, it’s a bummer that the CNU-Wesley game won’t be played. It’s particularly a bummer for Wesley who is already hurting for games that count toward their record come playoff selection time.

  2. Clearly the Maritime schools aren’t afraid of a little water!

    OK, fine, it’s a Thursday game and the hurricane isn’t that far up the East coast yet.

  3. Newport News Apprentice has cancelled their game with (I think it’s Malone College?). Tropical Storm warnings are now up for the area. This kinda stinks. I was looking forward to a nice tailgate with some fun folks like Ryan Tipps and Wesleydad. Then we changed plans and Schooners was going to be the pregame fun. I was all set to buy a beer for the dads of the two starting QBs. Then things were totally cancelled and I found myself on the phone with one of the Dads while sending an email to the other. Let’s hope this turns into just a rain event. The last one of these to come through made me tailagte in my driveway for 11 days while we waited for power to be restored. I knew we were in trouble when on day 4 the Red Cross set up a hot meal center 3/4 of a mile down the road.

    Everyone stay safe.

  4. I wasn’t going anywhere thids weekend(mainly for health reasons), but I’ll still be in the path of whatever Hanna brings upon the mainland. Central VA will get up close and personal with her.
    Oh, and go Alfred!!!

  5. I’ll be getting soaked in Doylestown tomorrow doing the video of the DVC-Iona game. At least the chicken will be good.

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