Happy Birthday, Ricky Lannetti

Ricky Lannetti would have turned 25 this weekend.

If you don’t recall the name, a reminder — Lannetti was a wide receiver for Lycoming before he passed away on Dec. 6, 2003. He lost his battle with a staph infection that night, the day Lycoming was scheduled to play Bridgewater in the national quarterfinals.

19, snow angel

I came across a tribute site built to him this evening. If you’ve been around this site for four years, you may remember our coverage of his death. We were in Williamsport that weekend and had unprecedented access behind the scenes on a day in which the game was snowed out.

People still sign Lannetti’s guestbook. They get together every year on his birthday. There’s an annual 3-on-3 basketball tournament in his memory each summer. They raise awareness of MRSA — methicillin resistant staphyloccus aureus, the superbug that killed Lannetti.

His parents, Theresa and Rick, spread the word about MRSA to this day.

“His name is now living through MRSA awareness campaigns throughout the country,” Rick Lannetti told the Times News, a newspaper in Carbon County, Pa. “His picture and other helpful information is posted at colleges and high schools everywhere, and I still get emails thanking him all the time for making them aware of this superbug. His name and his story are being heard around the world. His passing tells about the superbug and that it could kill even the healthiest people. He’s pretty much actively saving lives, or at least bringing about an awareness that this deadly germ exists. To have a family street named after him, that would be really something special. His friends and college teammates, they visit me now and then, and I know how proud they would be for a long-term tribute to him.”

Hope this helps.