Seniors’ least favorite question

So what are you doing after graduation?

I used to flinch when people asked me that back in 2000 as I got ready for life after college. The true answer was too long to relate to the well-meaning person – I don’t know, I’m looking but I’m not sure and frankly I’m a little anxious and would rather not talk about it. So I used a more moderate response, like “I’ve got some things I’m working on.”

Now the situation is reversed and I’m the one asking the dreaded question.

Some seem pretty focused. When I asked D3hoops All-American Forward Eli Cook about her plans in February, she knew she was headed to University of Delaware to study physical therapy.

Others may stay active in the sports they love. All-American Quarterback Adam Knoblauch had a try out with the CFL with another to follow. All-American Center Damien Cieswicz is playing in the Great Lakes Indoor Football League as is their Del Val teammate Steve Cook. Cook is breaking into another sport, too, working out for the U.S. Olympic Bobsled team.

And there are countless other stories out there as the great men and women who play Division III take the next exciting step wherever they are headed.

If any would like to share their thoughts or plans below, we’d be very interested to hear them. The career plans highlight the hard work Division III athletes put into their studies and the bright futures that lie ahead of them.

And if you’re a senior whose wrestling with your post-college plans, my two-cents (plink, plink) would be try not to worry about it too much. Even if you don’t know what’s coming after graduation day, you’ve got a lot of time to figure that out.

Congratulations on hitting this milestone in your life and thanks again for making Division III sports so special.